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Saturday, December 22, 2012

Happy Holidays!

Have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends. I will see you in the new year!  

Star Student
Alexis was our star student this week. Thanks Alexis for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Alexis’ Dad, he joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children enjoyed listening to the two stories that Mr. Landeweer read, Geraldine's Big Snow and The Gingerbread Girl. 

Happy Birthday
We celebrated two birthdays this week. On Monday, we celebrated Evie's birthday and on Friday, we celebrated Jackson's birthday. Happy Birthday to Evie and Jackson!

 Our weekly updates will return in the new year. Check back in to see new photos and read about all the wonderful things we are learning! 

Saturday, December 15, 2012

News You Can Use!


This week, the children worked with long /a/ (a_e). On Monday they enjoyed searching for the hidden long /a/ words in a word search. The children were excited when they found words that were not on the given list of words.

The children read stories about friends. The selections this week were made up of nonfiction, fantasy, and realistic fiction pieces. They worked with making and confirming predictions. We used a graphic organizer to chart our predictions throughout the text and then recorded the actual events as we read the story. 

Grammar Packets:
This week, the children were introduced to verbs. They learned that a verb is a word that shows action. The children enjoyed playing a game of Verb Charades to introduce them to different verbs. It was a great kinesthetic exercise and helped the children make the connection that verbs are action words. 

This week, we continued working on our letter writing unit. The children learned how to write a thank you letter. Together as a class, we wrote a thank you letter to Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Kelly in the office. The children thanked Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Kelly for all the wonderful things they do for us on a daily basis. 

Later in the week, the children practiced writing their own thank you letters. They are doing a great job of remembering the five parts of a letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature). The children are working very hard on their letter writing and remembering to write each of the parts in the correct space.  

Reindeer Application:
After listening to the book, Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight?, the children were very excited to learn that Santa was in need of a new reindeer. Each child applied to the position by filling out a reindeer application. They wrote about why they would make a good reindeer. To go along with their writing the children also turned themselves into a reindeer, complete with antlers and a shiny red nose. 


In Math, the children worked on measuring with a tape measure. They measured different body parts to the nearest inch. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed 3 Explorations: exploring shapes on the geoboard, building structures with base ten blocks, and measuring and plotting their height. 

On Wednesday, the children worked on telling time to the quarter-hour. Using their tool kit clocks, they showed time to the nearest half-hour and quarter-hour. The children also practiced telling and recording different times. On Thursday, the children enjoyed learning about timelines. Together, we created a timeline of our school year so far. We ordered important events on the timeline. 

Social Studies
This week, we continued our Winter Holidays unit. The children learned about how people celebrate Hanukkah and Christmas. We read several books, used a holiday powerpoint, and Pebble Go to research each of the holidays. After learning about the traditions and celebrations for each holiday, the children wrote about the holidays in their Holiday Traditions book. They will bring home their book to share with you at the start of winter break. 

On Wednesday, after learning about Hanukkah, the children enjoyed making a dreidel. While making the dreidel, they listened to and learned the dreidel song. The children also learned how to play the dreidel game.  

Star Student
Oliwia was our star student this week. Thanks Oliwia for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Oliwia’s Mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children loved listening to the three stories that Mrs. Lesniak read, Fancy Nancy Bonjour Butterfly, The Three Little Aliens and the Big Bad Robot, and Edward the Emu.

Have a great rest of the weekend!  

Sunday, December 9, 2012

News You Can Use!


This week, the children worked with blends (bl, cl,gl,fl,pl, sl). They read stories about silly animals and going to school. The children worked with visualizing and sequencing the events of a story this week. Their favorite story was, If You Take A Mouse To School. We read several of Laura Numeroff’s books this week and after reading each one, the children worked together to sequence the events of the story. To end the week, they each wrote their very own book titled, If You Give A First Grader A Book.  

Grammar Packets:
The children worked with proper nouns again this week. They learned that days, months, and holidays are proper nouns. All proper nouns begin with capital letters. The children enjoyed creating their very own proper noun pizza this week. Hidden under each pepperoni is a proper noun.

This week, we continued working on our letter writing unit. The children each wrote a friendly letter to author Mo Willems, who we studied in LMC. On Wednesday, they worked with a peer to edit their letters. 

On Thursday, the children wrote their final copy in their best handwriting. The children addressed their envelopes to Mo Willems on Friday and we placed them in the mail. We hope that Mo Willems writes back to us!


In Math, the children worked on measuring objects using non standard units, their personal foot, a standard foot, a 12 inch ruler, and a 6 inch ruler. They measured objects to the nearest foot and to the nearest inch. The children recorded their measurements using approximation language. My pencil is about 6 inches. The bookshelf is a little more than 4 feet.   

Social Studies
This week, we started our Winter Holidays unit. The children learned about how people celebrate Diwali, Eid, and Kwanzaa. We read several books and used Pebble Go to research each of the holidays. After learning about the traditions and celebrations for each holiday, the children wrote about the holidays in their Holiday Traditions book. They will bring home their book to share with you at the start of winter break. 

On Tuesday, after learning about Diwali the children decorated Rangoli. We hung them on our classroom door to welcome friends and relatives into our classroom.

On Friday, after learning about Kwanzaa the children made Unity Cups and wrote a Harambee paper. They learned that “Harambee” means “let’s pull together.” The children each wrote about how they pull together with their friends and family. 

Star Student
Samir was our star student this week. Thanks Samir for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Samir’s Mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children really enjoyed listening to the four stories that Mrs. Mohammad read, Guess Who Hides, Guess Who Swims, Macaws, and Turtles. 

I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend! 

Saturday, December 1, 2012

News You Can Use!


This week, the children worked with the short /u/ sound. They read stories about music and instruments. The children worked on their retelling and visualizing skills. We discussed how when you visualize you make a movie in your mind. On Thursday, to practice their retelling skills the children wrote their own retelling of, The Snowy Day. After listening to the book, they retold the story in their own words. I hope you enjoy reading your child’s retelling of, The Snowy Day. All the children did a wonderful job! 

Grammar Packets:
The children worked with proper nouns this week. They learned that a noun that names a special person or place is called a proper noun. A proper noun begins with a capital letter. 

This week, we started our letter writing unit. The children learned the five parts of a friendly letter: heading, greeting, body, closing, and signature. They learned a song to help them remember the parts, ask your child to sing you the song (it’s to the tune of Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes). As we read the story, Dear Mr. Blueberry, the children worked together to identify the different parts of a friendly letter. On Thursday, we wrote a friendly letter to Audrey Penn, author of The Kissing Hand. The children came up with lots of great ideas to include in the letter. Next week, each child will write their own friendly letter to author Mo Willems, who we have been studying in LMC. The children will mail their letters at the end of the week. 

Snow Globes:
On Friday, the children listened to the book, The Snow Globe Family by Jane O’Connor. After, they wrote their own story about what they would do if they lived in a snow globe. The children wrote some very creative stories about life in a snow globe. They also created their own snow globe to attach their writing to. Our room now sparkles with beautiful snow globes hanging from the ceiling. 


In Math, the children finished up Unit 3. On Monday, they worked with dominos. They began by placing the dominos in order according to their dot pattern. Then the children sorted the dominos by even and odd numbers. After they found the total of different dominos using the parts and total diagram. The children played Domino Top-It to practice their addition skills. 

On Tuesday, the children enjoyed using Mimio Vote to review all of the concepts they learned in Unit 3. Our room once again turned into the set of a game show as each child answered questions using their very own clicker. I am proud of how well the children did on the test on Wednesday. On Thursday we began Unit 4. This unit will focus on measurement. The children worked with measuring temperature using a thermometer. 

Social Studies
This week, we concluded our Thanksgiving unit. The children wrote about how they celebrated Thanksgiving with their family. Then we completed a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting our Thanksgiving to the very first Thanksgiving. 

Warm Fuzzy Celebration
On Friday, the children were very excited to celebrate filling the warm fuzzy jar. They were proud of how they had worked together as a team and showed good citizenship. The children brought in their favorite stuffed animal to spend the day learning right along side of them! Enjoy the cute photos below!

Second Grade Landmark Presentations
On Friday afternoon, the children enjoyed visiting Mrs. Porte’s 2nd grade class. The 2nd graders presented their Landmark projects to our class. The children loved moving around and viewing all of the interesting projects and asking the second graders questions. Thank you Mrs. Porte’s class, we had a great time!  

Mr. Robinson’s Visit
On Friday, Mr. Robinson visited our classroom to tell us all about his trip to China. The children listened while Mr. Robinson talked about the different schools and places he visited. They were eager to ask him lots of questions about the plane ride, the food he ate, and what school is like in China. The children were surprised to hear that most children sleep at school during the week and only go home to their families on the weekend. They also were surprised by some of the foods that Mr. Robinson tried on his trip. The children had a great time! Thank you Mr. Robinson! 

Happy Birthday
We celebrated two birthdays this week. On Thursday, we celebrated Christopher’s birthday and on Friday we celebrated Ayva’s birthday. Happy Birthday to Christopher and Ayva!

Scholastic book orders are due Monday by 4pm. I will be placing the order right after school. If you would like the books to be a surprise, please email me and I will arrange to get them to you secretly. Thank you for placing your orders online. You are helping us earn free books for our classroom!

I hope you have a wonderful rest of the weekend!