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Sunday, May 25, 2014

News You Can Use!

I hope you enjoy reading about all the great learning we did in 1-1 this week!

This week our close reading lessons focused on two texts, Lon Po Po and Red Riding Hood. The children started the week by identifying feeling words in Lon Po Po. They highlighted the key feeling words and other clue words in the text and then used the words to identify how the characters were feeling at the beginning and end of the story. They chose one character to focus on and recorded the key words. Then they illustrated a picture to show how the character was feeling. 

Later in the week, we read another version of Red Riding Hood. They children worked together to retell the story, focusing on key details. During our second reading, the children completed a Venn Diagram comparing, Lon Po Po, to this version of, Red Riding Hood. They did a great job of recalling the details from each story and placing them in the correct part of their Venn Diagram. 

This week, the children met with a partner to edit their persuasive letter. They looked to see if they could add either an attention grabbing opening or closing sentence to their letter. Their partners also helped them to check for punctuation and word wall words spelled correctly. 

Later in the week, they published their persuasive letters. The children took their time and wrote in their best handwriting. I am proud of how hard they worked on their letters. The children are excited to see if they receive any responses to their letters next week. 

In Math, the children completed Unit 10 on Monday. On Tuesday and Wednesday, the children took their End of the Year test. I will send these home towards the end of the year. The children did a great job!

Social Studies
This week, the children learned about Chinese New Year. They researched the holiday during reading time using several non-fiction books and excerpts. The children also completed a graphic organizer on facts they learned about Chinese New Year. Using the organizer they wrote a nonfiction piece on Chinese New Year. Next week, the children will create their own dragons out of paper to represent the dragons used during the Dragon Dances. We will also compare Chinese New Year celebrations to our New Year celebrations.

Happy Birthday
On Monday, we celebrated Jackelynn’s birthday. We hope you had a great birthday Jackelynn!

-No School on Monday, May 26th because of Memorial Day!
-Friday, May 30th is Field Day! Please send your child to school in comfortable clothing, including gym shoes. They should also bring a water bottle to carry with them to all the games. Your child should is encouraged to bring sun screen (they will be allowed to apply it after lunch before field day begins).

Enjoy the rest of the long weekend! 
Happy Memorial Day!

Sunday, May 18, 2014

News You Can Use!

Hello 1-1 Families! I hope you enjoy reading all about our busy week!

This week, our close reading lessons focused on two texts, Lion Dancer and Cat and Rat. During the first reading of, Lion Dancer, the children focused on two photographs from the text. Using the text and photos, they answered the question, Why do the people have their mouths and ears covered? They used evidence from the text to support their answers. 

During our second reading, the children came up with a list of questions they had about the photographs in the book. On Wednesday, Cat and Rat, the children worked on retelling the story using an organizer titled, Somebody, Wanted, But, So. During the second reading, the children worked on identifying the central message of the story. 

Cooking Up “Synonym Rolls”
On Friday, the chefs in the classroom enjoyed cooking up “Synonym Rolls.” They started by writing a list of synonyms for one word or pairs of synonyms. Once they had their “ingredients list,” they baked their synonym rolls till they were golden brown. Then they decorated them with synonym frosting. Ask you chef to name some of their favorite synonyms. 

This week, we continued our Persuasive Writing unit. The children met with a partner. They chose the problem or improvement that they wanted to write about. Then, they took turns telling each other who their “audience” is, their opinion, and at least one reason to support their opinion. The children then completed a graphic organizer, including their opinion, three reasons to support it, and a closing. They will use their graphic organizer to compose their persuasive letter next week.

In Math, the children worked with money and adding and subtracting a variety of 2-digit numbers. The children took turns telling, writing, and solving number stories. They used a variety of strategies to solve the different number stories. On Wednesday, the children reviewed the characteristics of polygons. They created different polygons using straws and twist-ties.

The children also reviewed the names of 3-Dimensional Shapes. On Thursday, they reviewed temperature and how to use thermometers to read low and high temperatures.

The children also enjoyed playing, Pinch and Total, to review counting money.

Social Studies
This week, the children continued their study of China. On Monday, after listening to, The Seven Chinese Brothers, the children learned how to count from 1-10 in Chinese. They also created their own mini Chinese Number book. The children practiced writing the Chinese Characters for numbers 1-10. 

On Tuesday, the children worked with Chinese language and practiced writing Chinese Characters. They are compiling a list of their favorite characters to turn into a Chinese Language mini flip book. They will bring their book home when it is completed.

China Presentation
On Friday, Zach’s dad came in and gave a presentation on China. He travels there often for work and compiled a wonderful slide show to share with the children. He shared photos from his travels, told the children about eating in China, brought in some examples of Chinese currency, told the children about popular modes of transportation in China, and shared some similarities between China and the United States. Mr. Misner gave each child their own Chinese coin to keep and a toothbrush (he works for a company that makes oral care products). I was very impressed with the wonderful questions the children asked Mr. Misner after looking at his photographs. Thank you Mr. Misner, the children loved having you! You did a great job!

No School: Friday, May 23rd- SIP Day
No School: Monday, May 26th- Memorial Day

Have a great rest of the weekend!

Saturday, May 10, 2014

News You Can Use!

The children of 1-1 had a wonderful week. Read all about our learning adventures below!

This week, our close reading lessons focused on two versions of Cinderella. Yeh-Shen A Cinderella Story from China and Cinderella, by Barbara McClintock. As the children listened to both versions of the story they jotted down their thinking about the stories on sticky notes and placed them on the correct area of each story map. At the end of the week they compared the two main characters by listing their similarities and differences on a top hat organizer. 

We will be taking a short break from guided reading groups next week. I will be meeting with the children one on one to do a last round of running records. Reassessing allows me to make sure that each child is receiving reading instruction that best fits their instructional reading level. 

This week, we started our new writing unit on Persuasive Writing. The children worked with stating their opinion on some given topics. After, they stated their opinion they gave reasons to support their opinion. The children wrote a short persuasive piece on whether or not first graders should go to bed at 6pm. They shared their writing with a partner. 

On Tuesday, we talked about the different reasons we write persuasively. To improve our lives or the lives of others or to promote something. The children then brainstormed a list of problems that need solving or things that can be improved around the school. Together as a class, we wrote a persuasive letter on why the outside basketball hoops should be lowered. The children came up with an opinion and three reasons to support their opinion. Next week, the children will choose a topic and begin to write their own persuasive piece.  

We also read the persuasive text, I Wanna Iguana. Then, during Daily 5 time the children completed a persuasive piece titled, I Wanna... They chose a pet that they really want and stated their opinion and a list of reasons for wanting the pet. The children did a nice job!  

In Math, the children took their Unit 9 test on Tuesday. The children did a nice job, I am proud of how hard they worked. 

On Wednesday, we started Unit 10. We will review the concepts we have learned throughout the year. We began the unit by working with graphing information. The children worked with their end of the year height to create a class graph. Using the data, the children found the typical height and the typical growth of the children in our class. The children also reviewed telling and recording time to the nearest five minutes. 

Social Studies
This week, the children continued learning all about China. We focused on China’s geography. The children were surprised to learn that 1.3 billion people live in China. They researched some of China’s landforms and compared them to landforms we have in the United States. They chose two landforms from each country to illustrate and label on an organizer. 

Later in the week, they also learned all about the Great Wall of China. We began the lesson by doing a Picture Aloud. The children look at two photographs of the Great Wall and recorded their thinking. They listed what they noticed as well as questions that they had. The children shared their thinking with one another. The children also completed a close reading lesson with an excerpt about the Great Wall of China. They went back into the text and highlighted answers to a list of questions about the wall. The children were very excited to visit the Great Wall through a virtual tour online.

The children also practiced their Chinese Character writing by making paper lanterns to hang up and decorate our classroom. I was impressed with how nicely they used their paintbrush to paint each Chinese Character. 

Art Appreciation
On Friday, Mrs. Kaddatz came in and presented an Art Appreciation presentation to the children. This week, the children learned about artist Rene Magritte. They looked at two of his paintings, The Empire of Lights and Castle in The Pyrenees. The children learned that Rene Magritte was a surrealist painter. They discussed what made his paintings surreal and the similarities and differences between his paintings. Then, the children attempted to create their own surrealist work of art. Thank you Mrs. Kaddatz, we enjoyed your visit!

Teacher Appreciation Week
Thank you to all of you for making this week so special! I feel lucky to work with your children and you every day. Thank you for all the yummy treats and thoughtful gestures this week! They were appreciated!

-Thank you to those of you who donated glue sticks to our classroom. We are very grateful to have them!

Happy Mother’s Day! I hope you have a great rest of the weekend!

Saturday, May 3, 2014

News You Can Use!

Hello 1-1 families! Take a peek at what we were up to this week!

This week our close reading lessons focused on two texts, Ruby’s Wish and Tikki Tikki Tembo. During our first reading of Ruby’s Wish, the children created a comparison chart of the boys and girls in the story. Then on Tuesday, they worked with using the words and illustrations from the text to better understand Ruby’s character. By reading a selected passage, they recorded words and illustrations that helped them understand Ruby. Many children noted that Ruby was a hard worker and did not give up. 

During our Tikki Tikki Tembo lessons, the children worked on retelling the story and using the illustrations and words to better understand the setting of the story.

This week, we took a short break from guided reading groups. I assessed each child’s reading fluency. The children did their spring CBM, how many words they can correctly read in one minute on a first grade passage. I was impressed with the growth the children have made since the beginning of the year!

This week, the children published their Expository Writing piece into a nonfiction book. They worked really hard on their nonfiction books and are excited to share them with the class on the big screen. Some of our authors have already read their books to the class. Next week, the rest of our authors will get a chance to share! 

In Math, the children completed Unit 9. They worked with fractional parts. The children had to divide shapes into fractional parts and identify equivalent names for the fractional parts. They also worked with comparing fractional parts and identifying the numerator and the denominator. Later in the week, they used manipulatives to model equivalent fractions, they used <,>, and = signs to to describe the relationships between fractions. 

Next week, the children will review the concepts we have learned in Unit 9 using Mimio Vote. We will take the Unit 9 test on Tuesday. 

Social Studies
This week, the children were introduced to our final social studies unit on China. Over the next month, the children will learn how their lives in America are similar and different to children's lives in China. 

The children began the unit by generating a list of questions that they would like to research as we are learning about China. On Tuesday, the children listened to excerpts from books and video clips to learn about education in China. The children recorded similarities and differences that they noticed between their school and the schools in China. They were very interested to learn that many Chinese children start the day by exercising.

The children also learned about homes in China. They looked at several photos, a video segment, and listened to book excerpts on homes in China. Ask your child to describe some of the different homes they learned about. 

On Friday, the children listened to the Chinese folktale, Ping-Li’s Kite. Then, they created symmetrical kites to hang from our ceiling. 

-Thank you to those of you who donated glue sticks to our class! We are still in need of some additional ones to end the year. If you are out shopping and can pick up a few, we would appreciate it! Thank you!

Have a great rest of the weekend!