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Sunday, November 23, 2014

News You Can Use!

Enjoy reading all about our learning adventures from this week!

This week, our close reading lessons focused on the book Thanksgiving Then and Now. The children reviewed main idea and details with the first reading of, Thanksgiving Then and Now. They decided what the topic of the book was and then went back in the text to find supporting details. After our second reading, the children worked together to complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting our Thanksgiving to the very first Thanksgiving. 

Super Sentences:
On Friday, the children turned into super sentence heroes! Each child created their own super sentence hero mask. Using their graphic organizers from earlier in the week, they chose one telling, asking, and exciting sentence to glue onto their mask. The children had a lot of fun with this activity and enjoyed sharing their sentences with one another. 

This week, the children worked with their calculators. They practiced reading and entering numbers and symbols on the calculator. They programed their calculators to count forward and backward by counts of 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s from a given number.

The children also worked with the dime. They identified the characteristics of a dime and its value. The children showed equivalent amounts of money using pennies and nickels. They worked with exchanging pennies for nickels and dimes. 

The children enjoyed playing the game Nickel-Penny Grab. The game helped them practice counting coins.

Social Studies
To wrap up our Thanksgiving Unit the children used all of their graphic organizers to create a book titled, The Wampanoags, Pilgrims, and Me. Each child wrote down the facts they learned over the last couple weeks about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. After, they illustrated their book to give the reader additional information. The children took turns reading their books to one another. They are very excited to share their book with you over Thanksgiving break!

First Grade Musical
The children did a great job on their first grade musical. I am so proud of how hard they worked! They were so excited to share it with all of you on Tuesday night. Thank you for attending the performance and watching your stars shine! Enjoy the photos below. 

Star Student
Kelsey was our star student this week. Thanks Kelsey for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Kelsey’s Dad, He joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children really enjoyed listening to the two stories that Mr. Schmidt read, Pete the Cat The First Thanksgiving and Owlets First Flight.  

Happy Thanksgiving! 
I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends. 

Sunday, November 16, 2014

News You Can Use!

Hello 1-1 Families! 
I hope you enjoy reading all about our week!

We started the week with a close reading lesson using the book, Samuel Eaton’s Day. As we were reading, the class worked together to fill out a venn digram comparing Samuel Eaton to Sarah Morton. They had to support their comparisons and contrasts with evidence from both texts. Later in the week, we did a close reading lesson using the book, Tapenum’s Day. After reading, the children created a venn diagram together comparing and contrasting Samuel to Tapenum.

This week, the children wrote a piece about what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Each child wrote about three things they are thankful for and why. They glued their writing to a turkey that they created using construction paper. You can view their writing out in the hallway during conferences. 

The children also wrote a story titled, How To Catch A Turkey. They came up with lots of creative ways to catch a turkey. In their story they had to use the transition words, first, next, and last. Their stories are hanging up in the classroom. Along with the tie-dye turkeys they created on Friday.  

The children were also introduced to frames and arrows. They had to fill in the missing numbers based on a given rule. Later in the week, they had to identify the rule based on the numbers in the frames. The children also had a chance to create their own frames and arrows problems, they traded with a partner and completed the others problems by identifying the rule and filling in the missing numbers. 

Weather Or Not Field Trip

On Tuesday, the scientists enjoyed an in class field trip from HighTouch HighTech. Scientist, Ms. Nicole, came in and presented, Weather or Not. The scientists engaged in different weather experiments. They took an up close and hands-on look at a real tornado. Watched as clouds were made indoors. They discovered all the amazing properties of air and air pressure. The scientists were very excited to touch lightning! Their favorite experiment was making the conditions change so they could lift ice cubes with a string. Each scientist also got to take home a bag of snow! Enjoy the slide show below of all our wonderful weather experiment photos.

Social Studies
This week, the children continued to learn about Pilgrims. On Monday, they created a pilgrim project using a photo of their face. They wrote a sentence about something they have or can do but the pilgrims did not have or could not do. 

Later in the week, they practiced talking like a Pilgrim. We also, began learning about the Wampanoag Indians. The children researched about the Wampanoag way of life using the Scholastic web site. They also completed graphic organizers listing details about the Pilgrims and Wampanoags homes, clothing, games, and food. They will use these organizers to help them complete a final project next week. 

On Friday, the children also worked together to create a large then and now venn diagram. They listed similarities and differences between Pilgrim and Wampanoag children’s lives to their own lives today. 

Star Student
Natalie was our star student this week. Thanks Natalie for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Natalie’s Dad, he joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children really enjoyed listening to the two stories that Mr. Schneider read. 

-Now that the weather has turned cold be sure to send your child to school each day with a warm jacket, hat, and gloves. On snowy days, please remember to also send snow pants and boots. The children will continue to go outside for recess each day, unless it is too cold. Be sure to label your child’s coat, hat, gloves, and boots. Many children have similar items and labeling them helps to make sure each child keeps their own!

-Last call! If you would like to place an order for books from the Scholastic book order, they are due tomorrow afternoon! It is a great time to order some wonderful books for the holidays! Please email me if your order includes any gifts. I will email you when the orders arrive and set up a time for you to pick up your order secretly!

-The first grade musical is quickly approaching! The children are hard at work practicing and getting ready to wow you with their performance! Please mark your calendars for Tuesday, November 18th at 7pm. I hope to see you there!

I hope that you had a wonderful weekend! 

Friday, November 7, 2014

News You Can Use!

Read all about our busy week.

This week, our close reading lessons focused on books about Thanksgiving and Pilgrims. The children worked with determining the main idea and supporting details. They learned that the main idea is the most important point of the selection and that the details give the reader more information about the main idea. The children were often able to identify the main idea early in the selection and then go back and discuss the supporting details. We will continue to work with main idea and details over the next couple weeks.

Guided Reading
I have almost had time to meet with all of my readers one on one. I will finish up running records early next week and then guided reading groups will resume. I am so proud of how hard our 1-1 readers have been working, it shows in their growing instructional reading levels!

This week, the children worked with the number line. They found skip counting patterns and practiced counting by 2s, 3s, 5s, and 10s. The children used the number line to find the answers for addition and subtraction number stories. On their white boards, they practiced writing the number model that represented each addition or subtraction number story. Remembering to use the correct number symbols: +, -, and = to complete each number model. 

Later in the week, the children worked with telling time to the hour and half hour on their tool kit clocks. They also took turns telling and recording a variety of different times.

Today, the children enjoyed using the iPads to log into Dreambox. Dreambox is an online math curriculum that builds mathematical competency, problem solving, reasoning, and critical thinking skills. Each student is able to focus on the areas that are right for them. Once the children are comfortable using Dreambox I will send home information on how you can access the program at home as well!

Social Studies
We started our Thanksgiving unit this week. Over the next couple weeks we will talk about Thanksgiving. The children will learn about the Pilgrims, Wampanoag Indians, Mayflower, and what the very first Thanksgiving was like. 

This week, we began the unit by filling out a KWL on Thanksgiving. The children shared facts they already know and recorded questions for what they would like to learn. They listened to the book, The Very First Thanksgiving Day and watched the Brainpop video, Thanksgiving. They were able to discuss a long list of facts they learned just from these two sources. 

This week, the children also began learning about the Pilgrims. Using resources on the Scholastic web site, the children researched what it was like for the Pilgrims on their journey to America. They learned about the different parts of the Mayflower and the difficulties the Pilgrims faced along the way. The children then used their knowledge to pack a suitcase with 5 items they would have taken, had they been a Pilgrim on the Mayflower. Next week, we will continue to learn about what life was like for the Pilgrims. The children will work together to create a then and now Venn diagram on our back bulletin board.

Warm Fuzzy Celebration
On Friday, the children were very excited to celebrate filling the warm fuzzy jar. They were proud of how hard they had worked together as a team. The children had so much fun wearing their PJ's and slippers to school! Everyone that visited our class today thought the children forgot to get dressed this morning! 

Happy Birthday
On Thursday, we celebrated Ryan's birthday. Happy Birthday Ryan!

Star Student
Ryan was our star student this week. Thanks Ryan for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Ryan’s Mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children loved listening to the two stories that Mrs. Sheehan read, If You Give a Pig a Party and The Little Mouse, The Red Ripe Strawberry, and The Big Hungry Bear

-I sent home our second Scholastic book order. You have until Monday, November 17th to place your order. If you would like the books to be a surprise please email me and I will arrange to get them to you secretly. Thank you for placing your orders online. You are helping us earn free books for our classroom!
-Dads & Donuts is this Friday, November 14th at 8:30 a.m. Donuts, fresh fruit, coffee, juice, and water will be served by the PTA. Students can bring their grandfather, uncle or special person in their lives. Stop by and start your Friday off on a “sweet” note!

Have a great rest of the weekend! 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

News You Can Use!

This week, our close reading lessons focused on books about storms. Before reading the book, Thunder Cake, the children made a prediction about what thunder cake is. After reading, the children wrote about what thunder cake actually is and if their prediction was correct. On our second reading of Thunder Cake, the children worked on determining the author’s purpose. Why did the author write their story? Was it to inform, persuade, or entertain? The children learned that it’s as easy as PIE to determine the author’s purpose. After reading, the children looked back in the text for evidence and came up with the author’s purpose. 

We also read selections from Seymour Simon's book, titled Storms. The children completed an author’s purpose graphic organizer where they stated the author’s purpose, along with 3 pieces of evidence from the text. 
Guided Reading:
We will be taking a short break from guided reading groups next week. I will be meeting with the children one on one to do a second round of running records. Reassessing allows me to make sure that each child is receiving reading instruction that best fits their instructional reading level. 

This week, the 1-1 authors published their narrative writing pieces. They worked extremely hard at rewriting their story in their best handwriting and adding careful, colorful, and detailed illustrations to support their writing. The children also added an opening an closing sentence to complete their small moment piece. These will be on display in the hallway at conference time so you can enjoy them!  

In Math, the children worked with recognizing, describing, and creating visual patterns. They found patterns around our classroom and then worked with a partner to create their own patterns using craft sticks. 

The children were also introduced to even and odd numbers. They worked with counters to explore even and odd number patterns. The children noticed the following patterns:
-Even numbers end in 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8.
-Odd numbers end in 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9.
-Even numbers are counts by 2s, starting with 0.

On Wednesday, the children worked with their number grids to describe and compare number patterns. They looked at number patterns for counts of 2s, 5s, and 10s. 

On Thursday, the children enjoyed completing 3 explorations. They worked with making patterns, sorting even and odd numbers, and creating new shapes using pattern blocks.

This week, the scientists wrapped up our unit on Weather. They learned that air is all around us and that the air that covers the earth is called the atmosphere. The scientists learned that the atmosphere is where weather happens. They did an experiment where they dropped objects into water. While observing, they noted that air bubbles were escaping from the objects. 

The scientists, also learned about dew and frost. They learned that dew is liquid water droplets that condense out of the air during the night. The scientists learned that frost is ice crystals that cover a cold surface when water comes out of the air and it is below the freezing point.

Halloween Fun!
The children had a wonderful fun filled Halloween afternoon!
The children kicked off the Halloween festivities with a parade around the Dryden neighborhood. Thank you to everyone for coming out! After the parade, we headed back to our classroom for our Halloween party. The children enjoyed some delicious treats, decorated a pumpkin, colored by number, played Wrap a Mummy, and guessed how much candy was in a jar. At the end of the party, they listened to a Halloween story. Thank you to everyone who sent in supplies for our party: treats, drinks, paper goods, and crafts! A very big thank you to our two party volunteers, Mrs. Stevenson and Mrs. Centracchio! Thank you for your incredible job planning and running our party. The children had a great time!

Enjoy our Halloween photo slide show!


Star Student
Charlotte was our star student this week. Thanks Charlotte for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Charlotte’s Mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children loved listening to the three stories that Mrs. Stahlman read, What Cried Granny!, Rhyming Dust Bunnies, and The Pigeon Wants a Puppy.

Happy Birthday
This week, we celebrated two birthdays. Happy Birthday to Joey and Edward!  

Warm Fuzzy Celebration
The children filled up our warm fuzzy jar earning a celebration. After lots of discussion and a vote, the class would like to wear their pajamas to school.

On Friday, November 7th your child may 
wear their pajamas to school.

We will have a normal learning day including LMC, just in our comfy pj’s. Please make sure your child’s pajamas are school appropriate. Your child may wear slippers in the classroom, but please make sure they have shoes to change into for LMC, recess, and arrival/dismissal. 

-Thursday, November 6th is picture retakes. If you would like your child to have their picture retaken, please return your child’s entire picture packet (with the exception that you can keep the class photo).
-On Tuesday, November 11th, the children will enjoy a visit from HighTouch HighTech. A scientist will bring in a variety of weather experiments for the scientists to engage in. If you have not done so already please send in your child’s permission slip and money. 

Have a great rest of the weekend!