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Friday, February 27, 2015

News You Can Use!

Wow! What a week. 
Take a look at what we did!

This week, the children were introduced to the elements of a fairytale. They were able to recognize that fairy tales have magic, good and evil, often begin with once upon a time, and a happily ever after. Our close reading lessons for the week focused on different versions of, Jack and the Beanstalk. We read two different versions of the classic fairytale as well as a version titled, Kate and the Beanstalk. As we read, we kept track of fairytale elements we identified in each story. The children worked as a whole class to complete these activities. At the end of the week we compared and contrasted the different versions of the story. 

To go along with the Jack and the Beanstalk theme, the children worked on a Jack and the Beanstalk writing activity. The writing activity was titled, "Me and the Beanstalk". The children turned themselves into the main character in their version of Jack and the Beanstalk. They began by planning out how they found the magic beans, where they planted them, what they found at the top of the beanstalk, etc. The children got very creative and had a lot of fun writing these stories. Their published pieces will be proudly displayed in the classroom!

***Photo coming soon****

In Math, the children started Unit 5. They made a Dice-Throw Record of facts. Using their chart they answered questions about their rolls and which sum had the most facts (7). Then, they were introduced to the Addition Facts Table. Using the Addition Facts Table, the children found the sums of several addition facts.

On Tuesday, the children were introduced to Name-Collection boxes. They used dominoes, drawings, tally marks, base-10 blocks, and addition/ subtraction facts to show equivalent names for numbers. 

On Wednesday, the children worked with fact families. They looked at a domino and identified the three numbers that went with it. Then they wrote two addition and two subtraction facts using the three numbers from their domino. They learned that the addition and subtraction facts make up a fact family.

On Thursday, the children were introduced to Fact Triangles. Using their Fact Triangles, the children practiced their addition and subtraction facts with a partner. The children also wrote addition and subtraction number models to go along with their Fact Triangles.

Today, the children worked with different subtraction fact strategies to find the difference. They used: the Addition/Subtraction Facts Table, Subtracting using a Ten Frame, and -8 and -9 Shortcuts on the Number Grid. 

Social Studies
This week, we concluded our social studies unit. The children learned about U.S. Symbols. Each child had the opportunity to research one U.S. Symbol. They used PebbleGo to research and then wrote two facts about their symbol. After researching, the children drew an illustration of their symbol on their facts sheet. 

Throughout the week, the children were able to share what they had learned with the class. We complied the slides into a slide show titled, U. S. Symbols.
US Symbols from Melissa Johnson on Vimeo.

Today, the children completed the book, America the Beautiful. The book allowed the children to revisit all the facts they learned about the different symbols this week. The children really enjoyed learning about all the American Symbols and they are excited to share their knowledge with you!

A special thank you to Mary and Trent! Mary shared some photos of the Liberty Bell  from her trip last summer. Trent brought in some postcards of U.S. Symbols that his Papa brought back from Washington D.C. Thank you to both of you for sharing with the class!

-Please remember to send your child to school with their winter gear. The snow promises to continue and the playground and field are covered with snow. Please send coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves. The children are not allowed to play in the snow unless they have all these items! Thank you!

Have a great weekend! 

Friday, February 20, 2015

News You Can Use!

Hello 1-1 Families! We had a very short week, thanks to the weather! We still managed to get a lot done!

This week, the children enjoyed a mini author studied on author/illustrator, Leo Lionni. We read many books by the talented author, but our close reading lessons focused on Alexander and the Wind-Up Mouse and An Extraordinary Egg. The children discussed the meaning of large words in the texts and also identified story elements from both stories. As a class, the children identified the characters, setting, problem, and solution in each story. After documenting story elements for both stories, the children were able to compare and contrast the two stories. 

The children were even able to watch a few video clips of Mr. Lionni answering questions about why he wrote about animals, where he got his ideas from, and what his life was like growing up.

Guided Reading Groups:
We will continue our short break from guided reading groups next week. I will meet with the rest of the children one on one to do another round of running records. Reassessing allows me to make sure that each child is receiving reading instruction that best fits their instructional reading level.

On Tuesday, the children continued working with the function machine and What’s My Rule math problems. They worked on finding the rule and missing input and output numbers.  

On Wednesday, the children enjoyed reviewing all they learned during Unit 5 by playing, “Math Review Mimio Vote, Unit 5.” Once again our classroom turned into the set of a game show and each contestant had their very own clicker to answer a set of math questions. The questions covered all of our topics from unit 5.

On Friday, the children took their unit 5 test. They did a great job, I am proud of how hard they worked! Look for your child’s test in their red folder this coming Monday.

Social Studies and Writing
This week, the children chose their favorite president (George Washington or Abraham Lincoln) that we researched. Using their graphic organizer, they wrote a paragraph about their president. They completed their paper by turning it into a replica of George or Abe. The children’s president projects are on display in the hallway. 

On Friday, the children listened to the story, Dubs Goes to Washington. During the story, the children previewed some of the U. S. Symbols that we will begin researching next week. The children also watched a short Brainpopjr video titled, U.S. Symbols. After, they discussed what the term symbol means. The children also shared what symbols the saw in the video and what the symbols represented. Each child selected one U.S. symbol that they will research next week.

Star Student
Alex was our star student this week. Thanks Alex for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Alex’s dad, he joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children enjoyed listening to the story that Mr. Kusalovic read, Sneezy The Snowman.

-A VERY special THANK YOU to the Dryden PTA! We truly appreciate all you do for the children, families, and staff at Dryden. Thank you! The children enjoyed a wonderful presentation from, be the GROOVE on Tuesday morning compliments of the PTA. The group was mesmerizing! The children thoroughly enjoyed the presentation! Check out their website to learn more: www.bethegroove.com

Have a great weekend! 

Sunday, February 15, 2015

News You Can Use!

Hello 1-1 Families! 
Here's what we were up to this week:

This week, the children were introduced to Poetry Pete. Poetry Pete taught the children about poetry basics. We discussed what we know about poems, what poems can help us do, why we read poems, and why people write poems. 

Then, we read the poem, I Ate Too Much Turkey by Jack Prelutsky. While reading this poem, we focused on using all of our senses to visualize. The children each drew their own visualization. They used their highlighter to highlight words and phrases that helped them create their visualization. The children had a chance to share their visualizations with the class. 

Love Splat:
Using the book, Love Splat, the children worked on making character comparisons. After listening to the story, the children compared and contrasted the two main characters, Splat and Spike. Using a Venn Diagram they recorded the similarities and differences between the two characters. Then, they used their Venn Diagram to complete a Love Splat! Character Comparison booklet.

To coincide with our Love Splat reading, the children completed a writing activity. After listening to the book, the children wrote about what love is. They came up with lots of wonderful heartfelt ideas. Then they made a Splat the cat to glue their writing to. They look very cute!

Guided Reading Groups:
We are currently taking a short break from guided reading groups. I am meeting with all of the children one on one to do another round of running records. Reassessing allows me to make sure that each child is receiving reading instruction that best fits their instructional reading level. Guided reading groups will resume as soon as I have had time to meet with each reader.

On Monday, the children worked with Doubles, Doubles +1, and Doubles +2 facts. They also learned strategies that they can use to help them solve Doubles +1 and Doubles +2 math facts. They can start at a Doubles fact and count up 1 or 2, depending on the math fact.

On Tuesday, the children reviewed different fact strategies that they can utilize to help them solve their basic math facts. We went over different strategies for: +0, +1, doubles, sums of 10, and doubles +1 and +2. 

On Thursday, the children were introduced to the function machine and What’s My Rule math problems. They worked on finding the rule and missing input and output numbers.  

Social Studies/ Writing
This week, we continued our social studies unit on U.S Symbols and George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. The children researched Abraham Lincoln. They listened to several books and watched a video about his life on Brainpopjr. As a class we wrote a list of important facts about Abraham Lincoln’s life and filled out a graphic organizer. The children then chose five important facts to record on their facts sheet.

100th Day Fun!
On Wednesday, the children celebrated the 100th day of school. They looked great dressed up like they were 100! The children enjoyed participating in an assortment of 100th day activities. They created a 100th day crown showing different ways to make 100. The children heard the story, 100th Day Worries. They wrote a story about what they would do if they had 1oo dollars. In the afternoon, the children had 100th day math stations. We had a wonderful 100th day of school! Enjoy our slide show below. 


Valentine’s Day!
On Friday, the children celebrated Valentine’s Day. In the afternoon, they completed some valentine math activities. After math, the children had their valentine’s party. They began the party with a valentine inspired science experiment. Using conversation hearts and water, sprite, and vinegar, the children experimented with what happened when the hearts were placed in the different liquids. They recorded their observations on a recording sheet. Then, the children enjoyed all the delicious treats that were sent in, passed out their valentines, and heard a story.


A special thank you to our room rep, Mrs. Stevenson. Thank you for organizing the science experiment and the treats for our valentine’s party. Thank you to all the families who provided paper products and treats. You made our party a yummy success! Thank you!

I would like to thank all of you for making my Valentine’s so special. I love the valentines and yummy treats. Thank you so much!

Star Student
Oskar was our star student this week. Thanks Oskar for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Oskar’s mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children enjoyed listening to the two stories that Mrs. Lesniak read, Telephone and Kid Sheriff and the Terrible Toads.

Thank you to everyone for sending in glue sticks!
Tuesday, February 17th is a Monday schedule. 

Have a great rest of the long weekend! 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Valentine Treats Ingredient Lists

Thank you to everyone who is sending in treats for our Valentine's Party on Friday, February 13th. We appreciate you helping to make our party a special treat! Below you will find the names of the foods being served and the ingredients list for each. If you have any questions please let me know! Thank you!

Minute Maid 100% Apple Juice

Stonyfield Organic Squeezers (Strawberry)

Nabisco Honey Maid Grahamfuls S'mores

Saturday, February 7, 2015

News You Can Use!

Even with our snow day on Monday, the children in 1-1 still had a FULL week!

This week's close reading lessons focused on the book, The Wolf's Chicken Stew, by Keiko Kasza. The children practiced identifying important elements of the story by recalling characters, setting, problem, and solution. On our second read, the children worked together to create a list of feeling words in the text. The children determined what feeling each word evoked. They also met with a partner to discuss what information they could gain about the book from identifying the feeling words. At the end of the week, the children also used evidence from the book to determine how the main character, Wolf, changed throughout the story.

In addition, the children proved they are able to sequence the events in a story by completing a retelling booklet of, The Wolf's Chicken Stew, based on the version by Keiko Kasza. 

Grammar Notebook:
This week, the children were introduced to present and past tense verbs. At the end of the week, the children created a verb superhero. They recorded past and present tense verbs in the "pows" around their hero.

On Tuesday, the children worked with comparison number stories. They compared groups of objects and then wrote number models to show their solutions. On Wednesday, the children used different solution strategies they have learned this year to solve number stories. They had to record number models to match their solution strategies. The children also enjoyed writing their own number stories for other children in the class to solve.On Thursday, the children worked with dice sums. They recorded the frequency of their dice sums in their math journals and noted which sums were rolled with the highest frequency. Together as a class we made a tally chart of the sums rolled the most. The children had a discussion about why 6, 7, and 8 were rolled the most.

Social Studies & Writing
This week, we started our new social studies/ writing unit on U.S. Symbols, George Washington, and Abraham Lincoln. The children listened to a book about citizens and rights and responsibilities. They learned about the qualities and responsibilities of a good citizen. The children then discussed how they are good citizens at school, home, and in their community. Each child wrote about what makes them a good citizen. 

***Photo Coming Soon***

On Friday, the children researched George Washington. They listened to two books and watched a video about his life on Brainpopjr. As a class we wrote a list of important facts about George Washington’s life and filled out a graphic organizer. The children then chose five important facts to record on their facts sheet.

Star Student
Melvin was our star student this week. Thanks Melvin for sharing all about you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Melvin’s Mom, she joined us this week as our Royal Reader. The children enjoyed listening to the two stories that Mrs. Mertes read, Love Monster and Exclamation Mark! 

-On Wednesday, you should have found a note about your child being able to dress up on Wednesday, February 11th for 100th day. The children are very excited to show us what they think they will look like when they are 100 years old. Be creative and have fun! I can’t wait to see what the children come up with!
-Thank you to those of you who already sent in glue sticks. We are in need of more. If you can, please send some in when you can! Thank you!
-I will send home the ingredients list for our valentine treats by Tuesday. Please let me know if you have any questions.
-If you would like, you can send in your child’s valentine box and valentines before Friday.

Have a great rest of the weekend!