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Friday, December 22, 2017

December Post

Hello 1-1 Families! 
I hope that all of you have a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends. May it be filled with love, laughter, and wonderful memories!!
See you in the new year! 

During reader's workshop, the children worked on:
-retelling a familiar story
-identifying the beginning, middle, and end
-recording a retelling focusing on the important details
-central message

Over the last few weeks, the children worked on a letter writing unit. First, they learned about writing friendly letters. The children were so excited to write to author Henry Cole, who recently visited Dryden School as part of the One Book One Dryden event. We addressed our envelope and placed it in the mail. We hope that Henry Cole writes back to us soon!

The children also learned how to write a thank you letter. First, we worked together to write a thank you letter to Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Sprenger. Then, the children practiced writing their own thank you letters to someone very special. It’s a secret (but I bet you will find out very soon)! They are doing a great job of remembering the five parts of a letter (heading, greeting, body, closing, signature).  

Snow Globes:
A few weeks ago, the children listened to the book, The Snow Globe Family by Jane O’Connor. After, they wrote their own story about what they would do if they lived in a snow globe. The children wrote some very creative stories about life in a snow globe. They also created their own snow globe to attach their writing to. Our room now sparkles with beautiful snow globes hanging from the ceiling. 

Reindeer Application:
After listening to the book, Who Will Guide My Sleigh Tonight?, the children were very excited to learn that Santa was in need of a new reindeer. Each child applied to the position by filling out a reindeer application. They wrote about why they would make a good reindeer. To go along with their writing the children also turned themselves into a reindeer, complete with antlers and a shiny red nose!

The children finished Unit 7 in math. They worked with place value and building numbers using 10s and 1s. The children also worked with completing patterns, both ascending and descending by counts of 1s, 2s, 3s, and 4s. They continued to work on problem solving by completing different word problems. Their Unit 7 test came home yesterday, I am proud of how hard the children worked! After break, we will move on to Unit 8 which focuses on addition and subtraction within 20. 

Social Studies 
Over the last few weeks, we studied different Winter Holidays. We read several books and used Pebble Go to research each of the holidays. The children learned about how people celebrate Diwali, Eid, Hanukkah, Kwanza, and Christmas. After learning about the traditions and celebrations for each holiday, the children worked together to take a winter holidays quiz during LMC. 

The children each decorated a Rangoli to celebrate Diwali. Then, they created a lantern to celebrate Eid.

After learning about Kwanzaa the children made Unity Cups and wrote a Harambee paper. They learned that “Harambee” means “let’s pull together.” The children each wrote about how they pull together with their friends and family. 

We concluded the unit by reading, Festival of Lights. The children discussed how all of the holidays we learned about use light to celebrate. The children wrote about how they use light to celebrate at their house. They each created a festival of lights craft to go along with their writing. 

Art Appreciation
On Wednesday, Mrs. Teich came in and led the children in another Art Appreciation activity. The children learned about the painting, “Peaceable Kingdom,” by Edward Hicks. After discussing the painting, the children created their own “Peaceable Kingdom” using stuffed animals she had brought to class. They created a scene with the animals. After, the children created their own work of art while looking at the stuffed animals for inspiration. Thank you, Mrs. Teich.

Star Students
Ellie, Sophia, and Benjamin were our star students. Thanks for sharing all about you!

***Benjamin's Photo Coming Soon***

Royal Readers
A special thank you to Ellie's Mom, Sophia’s Mom, and Benjamin’s Mom. They joined us the last three weeks as our Royal Readers. The children enjoyed listening to the wonderful books that you read. 

Our updates will return in the new year. Check back in to see new photos and read about all the wonderful things we are learning! Remember to check out our twitter feed as I post there almost daily! 

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hello Everyone! 
Here are some highlights from our last few weeks! I hope you enjoy learning about what we’ve been up to!

Progress Reports & Conferences
The children have worked so hard over the last trimester. I am so proud of the growth they are making. Thank you for your continued support and help at home! It was so wonderful to see all of you at conferences. Thank you for coming in and meeting with me!  

During reader’s workshop lessons the children have been working on the following skills:
-Identifying the elements of fiction: Characters, Setting, Problem, and Solution
-Identifying Character Traits
-Comparing Fantasy and Realistic Fiction stories
-Making connections
-Identifying the lesson of the story



Working on building our reading Stamina!



In writing, the children wrote a piece about what they are thankful for this Thanksgiving. Each child wrote about three things they are thankful for and why. They glued their writing to a turkey that they created using construction paper. I hope you enjoyed viewing their writing out in the hallway during conferences. 

The children also wrote a story titled, How To Catch A Turkey. They came up with lots of creative ways to catch a turkey. In their story they had to use the transition words, first, next, and last. Their stories are hanging up in the classroom. Along with the tie-dye turkeys they created. I hope you got a chance to glance at them at conferences.

In math, the children have been working with plane and solid shapes. 
They have:
-identified plane shapes using attribute blocks
-identified solid shapes (spheres, rectangular prisms, cubes, cylinders, cones, and pyramids)
-counted the number of sides and corners on plane and solid shapes
-identified which shapes can roll, slide, or stack (or any combination of the 3)
-they also hunted for plane and solid shapes in and around our classroom



Social Studies
Over the last few weeks the children have been researching Pilgrims and Wampanoag Indians. They recorded all of their information on graphic organizers. At the end of last week, the children used all of their graphic organizers to create a book titled, The Wampanoags, Pilgrims, and Me. Each child wrote down the facts they learned over the last couple weeks about the Pilgrims and Wampanoag. After, they illustrated their book to give the reader additional information. They are very excited to share their book with you over Thanksgiving break!


First Grade Musical
The children did a great job on their first grade musical. I am so proud of how hard they worked! They were so excited to share it with all of you last Wednesday night. Thank you for attending the performance and watching your stars shine! Enjoy the photos below.



Art Appreciation
Last Friday, Mrs. Teich came in and the children had their 2nd Art Appreciation presentation. They learned about two pieces of art by Pierre Auguste Renoir: Two Sisters and A Girl with a Watering Can. The children learned about Renoir’s life and his painting techniques. They discussed the two paintings in detail, noting color combinations and texture. Then the children used paint and different materials to create a painting of their own. They worked with creating different textures using the varying materials. The children enjoyed painting. Thank you, Mrs Teich!




Star Students
Thank you to our past two star students, Jacob and Daniella. We enjoyed learning more about each of you!

Royal Reader
A special thank you to Jacob’s Mom and Daniella’s Mom who joined us the last two week as our Royal Readers. The children loved listening to the stories that you read. 


Happy Birthday
A very happy birthday to Liliana! We hope you enjoyed your special day!

-Holiday Book Order! If you would like to place an order for books from the Scholastic book order, they will be due Friday, Dec. 1st by 3:30pm! It is a great time to order some wonderful books for the holidays! I will send home some scholastic magazines and a letter on Monday, November 27th. Feel free to shop ahead of time by clicking on the scholastic link on the right side of this blog post! Please email me if your order includes any gifts. I will email you when the order arrives and set up a time for you to pick up your order secretly!

-There is no school Wednesday, November 22 - Friday, November 24. School will resume on Monday, November 27.

Happy Thanksgiving! 

I hope you have a wonderful time with your family and friends! I am thankful that I get to work with your children each and every day!