Welcome to our first grade website!

Take a peek at all the great things we are doing.

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Sunday, November 3, 2019

Halloween Fun!

Halloween Fun!
It looks like the Halloween Party was so much fun! Thank you to all the parent volunteers for planning, donating materials, and running the party! You made the day so much fun for the kids! Please click the link below to view photos from the party! Thank you Mrs. Nierman for putting these together! 

Thank You Mrs. Bolithon!
I want to say a big thank you to Mrs. Bolithon! Thank you for kicking off the year with the children and helping them settle into first grade! It looks like they had an incredible start to the year. They've learned and grown so much! Thank you! We appreciate you! We're so glad that we'll still get to see you around Dryden in your new role! 

I'm excited to be back in the classroom tomorrow and to get to know all the children! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend and see you soon!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Pumpkin Decorating Day!

Thank you to all of our pumpkin partners who came in to help our students decorate pumpkins.  After weighing and measuring and making predictions about our (rather big) pumpkins this morning, we set about decorating them this afternoon.  Here are some photos of the fun we had...

Friday, October 4, 2019


Sue Schinkel- Komatsu
building simple levers and experimenting

building simple levers and experimenting

 March Animal Hospital- vet techs

Sajid Patel - Technology- Optimal Design Co.

Jim Meyers- Artsonia

Katie Weiner - Surgical Assistant

Our own surgical assitants!

Mandy Madsen- Exterior Design

We also had a visitor, Lt. Aleckson, from Arlington Heights Fire Department on 10/4.
What an exciting week!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

September in Mrs. Johnson's 1-1 Class

We have been very busy in Mrs. Johnson's Class!

Here are just a few fun photos of what we've been doing:

Number Bonds

Freckle Math

Rhyming Words

Rhyming Words

Being with friends

Being with friends

Music for Youth Assembly

Remembrance Day

Our new writing curriculum

Mrs. Johnson and baby Beckett visited us as our Royal Reader!

Hello 1-1 Families!  We have now moved on to our second month at school and are getting used to new routines and enjoying new friendships.  Students are ready to begin their guided reading groups and will be bringing home book bags at least once a week with their weekly book and site word sticker book.  1-1 loves their reading workshop and we have been learning a lot already about different book genres, note taking and how to pick a 'just right' book while reading in a 'just right' spot.  

We are just completing our unit on Community Helpers and will be having a visitor from the Arlington Heights Fire Station next week!

In math we are finishing up our second unit on number bonds, which builds on our first unit on counting.  We've been using a lot of manipulatives like number blocks and a number balance to gain a stronger understanding of these early math concepts.  

Students love our new writing curriculum and while filling up their journals, are also filling their writing binders with structured writing on things they like, how they help, what they want to be, and what they like to do with their friends.  The focus is on cultivating a joy of written expression, while we gradually build up our word skills in the process.  

Mrs. Johnson came to visit us with Baby Beckett!  The students were all so excited to have her read them a story and stay for a visit.  

Happy Fall!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Welcome to First Grade!

The sky is the limit this year in Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Bolithon's Class!  

We're shaking off those first day jitters and posing for our first group photo of the year.  Go 1-1!