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Sunday, August 31, 2014

Our First Week!

Our Class

First Day Photos


We had a great first week in 1-1! The children enjoyed getting to know one another through the sharing of their "All About Me" bags. There were big smiles and lots of excitement when the children shared an interest that others also had. The children also were enthusiastic to get to know one another through the use of our Find A Friend activity. 

The children did a wonderful job this week learning our classroom routines and procedures. They can now go through: arrival, lunchtime, and stack and pack routines with few reminders of what they need to do. 

Classroom Rules
As a teacher, one of my goals is to create a classroom environment where all students feel safe and valued. This week we worked together as a team to come up with our classroom rules. Discussing the rules together gives the children ownership and lets them actively decide what they want our classroom community to look like. The children did a wonderful job of coming up with rules that will make our classroom a safe and happy learning environment. 

Our Classroom Rules:
1. Be Kind.
2. Be respectful to others and their property.
3. Use nice manners at all times.
4. Be safe.
5. Work as a team!

This week, the children listened to the story: First Day Jitters. The children engaged in discussions about the emotions they felt about starting first grade. It made the children feel better to know that other children and even the teacher had some jitters before starting school!

We also read the book, Have You Filled A Bucket Today? The children learned that everyone carries around an invisible bucket and that we can fill others' buckets and our own bucket by being kind and considerate. The children shared examples of ways that they fill buckets while at school and at home. They worked together to create a class book titled, Our Bucket Filler Book. We will keep this in our classroom all year long for the children to enjoy. 

Later in the week, the children listened to, A Bad Case of The Stripes. After, they created a picture of themselves with a bad case of something they love. Their projects are hanging up in our classroom for you to enjoy on curriculum night.

Next week, I will begin assessing the children using Fountas and Pinnell running records. This will help me get to know the children as readers. I will continue working on these assessments until I have had time to read with each child.

This week, the children were introduced to Writer’s Workshop. After, listening to the book, Library Mouse, they discovered that they are all authors! We talked about how good writer’s: Think, Draw, Label, Write. They practiced these steps by writing down a hope or dream that they have for this year. Then, the children turned their writings into a cute bulletin board at the back of our classroom.

On Friday, the children worked together to brainstorm a long list of things that they need to be successful as first graders. After, the children each created a paper backpack. In it they placed their own personal list of what they need to be successful. You can see their backpack display hanging up in the hallway outside our classroom.

We began our first Everyday Math unit this week. To start the unit the children brainstormed a list of what they think they will do as Mathematicians this year. Then, they created a mathematician project.

Our first lessons focused on learning about our math routines. The children were also introduced to our calendar procedures. They enjoyed using the number line to play the game, Monster Squeeze. 

~ Thank you for all your support at home and your help in making the start of this school year a great one! Please let me know if you have any questions. 
~AHML Library Card Note: Parents, if your child does not have a library card, now's the time to drop by the Memorial Library and get one! Students can now use their library cards at school to access the Memorial Library's online resources. Stay tuned for the next steps in putting these library cards to use! 
~There is no school on Monday, September 1st due to Labor Day. Classes will resume Tuesday, September 2nd.
~I look forward to seeing everyone at Curriculum Night on Wednesday at 6:00.

Have a great rest of the long weekend!

Sunday, August 24, 2014


It was nice to meet many of you on Thursday night. Thank you for coming to visit our classroom! I look forward to meeting those of you who could not attend tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see everyone tomorrow for our first day of school. We are going to have a fun filled day.

Just a quick reminder: 
Don't forget to bring your "All About Me" bag to school tomorrow. Fill your brown lunch bag with three items that tell us about you. It could be a picture, a book, a trophy, whatever you wish! Remember to write your name on the front. We will spend some time looking at each other's items and getting to know one another. I will send the bags home as we finish sharing. We may only get through a couple a day, the bags will come home slowly over the next week!

See you tomorrow! 

Monday, August 18, 2014

Hello First Graders!

Welcome to First Grade!

My name is Mrs. Johnson, and I will be your first grade teacher this year at Dryden! I can't wait to meet you this Thursday, August 21 at the Ice Cream Social. I am very excited for you to see our first grade classroom. I have been hard at work setting up our room and decorating it for this year. I hope you’re as excited as I am! I know you are going to love first grade. You will leap into learning about things like collections, measurement, weather and so much more. We will also read fascinating stories, solve challenging math problems, and write. This year you will learn and grow so much! I can’t wait to meet you and your family!  We are going to have a frog-tastic year!