Hello 1-1 Families!
Just a few quick tidbits below.
Reader's Workshop
We have started working on our next unit for Reader's Workshop. It is our content unit on Light and Sound and it ties into our current science unit, also titled Light and Sound. The children are working on:
-Exploring the concepts of light and sound through reading various genres.
-The children are comparing and contrasting information they learned from reading different texts.
-They are responding to the topics we are reading through: class discussions, turn and talk conversations, and written responses.
-The children are working on gathering facts and information and synthesizing the information they are learning.
-They are continuing their work with identifying and using nonfiction text features to gather additional information.
The children completed their How To writing unit. They are eager for you to view their How To book during conferences. Be sure to take a few minutes to check out their book. They worked very hard to write, edit, and publish their How To book. I am proud of the children's dedication during the whole writing process. It was fun learning how to do some new activities while reading the children's books.
We completed Unit 12 in math last week. The children took their Unit Test on Friday. I will share these tests with you during conferences. The unit focused on using different strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with numbers between 0-40. The children also worked with base 10 blocks to construct different two digit numbers. They also worked on completing different number sequences by finding and completing the pattern. We will start Unit 13 after break.
The children have concluded their Light and Sound science unit. They enjoyed experimenting with sound and light over the last month. Be sure to scroll through our twitter feed on the right side of the page to view pictures and tidbits about the unit.
Star Students and Royal Readers
Thank you to our past star students and royal readers. It was nice to learn so many new things about you! We also enjoyed hearing so many wonderful stories from our past royal readers.
Happy Birthday
A very happy birthday to Cayley. We hope you had a wonderful day!
-Progress reports came home on Friday, March 16. I hope you had a chance to go over it with your child and celebrate their growth! I look forward to meeting with you at conferences and sharing more information with you. Please feel free to send back the envelopes sometime this week or bring them with you to conferences.
-Conferences are coming up, Thursday, March 22 and Friday, March 23 (Please note there is no school for students on both of the conference days). Please be sure you have gotten your scheduled date and time for conferences. The form came home in your child’s conference folder. If that paper has "disappeared" please be sure to email me and I will let you know your scheduled date and time!
-There is no school, Monday, March 26 - Monday, April 2. School will resume on Tuesday, April 3. I hope you have a safe and fun Spring Break!