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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Have A Great Summer!

Thank you
I can't believe that today is the last day of school. The year has gone by so quickly. I have enjoyed working with your children each and every day this year! Thank you for making this year a wonderful year. I appreciate all of our parent volunteers, you made the year extra special! I wish all of you a happy, relaxing, and safe summer! 

A Year In First Grade
I have put together an end of the year gift for you, a video memory book of our year. It has highlights from our year together. I hope that it will remind you of all the great memories you made in first grade.

A Year In First Grade from Melissa Johnson on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday
This week, we celebrated all of our June birthdays. Happy birthday to Johnny, Alexis, and Nate. We hope that you all have great birthdays later this month!

You are officially 2nd graders. I am so proud of you!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

News You Can Use!

It is hard to believe that the year has almost come to a close. Here are some highlights from this week.

Art Appreciation
On Friday, Mrs. Bartels came in and led the children in their final Art Appreciation activity of the year. The children had to match the artist name and artwork title with the correct  painting. After, the children voted on their favorite painting from the year. Thank you, Mrs. Bartels. The children enjoyed your visits this year!

Field Day
Field day was a huge success! The children enjoyed participating in all the field day games. Their favorite station was the dunk tank! Thank you to our two parent leaders, Mr. Topps and Mrs. Walter. The children enjoyed moving around to all of the stations with you. Thank you also to all the parent volunteers who made field day possible. The children had a great time! Below you will find a slide show of photos from field day. Enjoy!

Happy Birthday
This week we celebrated all of our July birthdays. Happy birthday to Connor, Kelly, and Rachel. We hope that you all have very happy birthdays in July!