We had a short but busy week!
This week, the scientists wrapped up their Penguin Unit. They concluded the unit by writing a report on the penguin they researched last week. The scientists had a great time compiling all the facts they had learned into their penguin report. On Tuesday, the scientists created a replica of their penguin using construction paper. They wrote their final copy of their report on their penguin's belly. I hope you enjoyed reading them during conferences!
This week, we finished Unit 7. The children discussed the different characteristics of: Cones, Pyramids, and Cubes. They also experimented with Symmetry. The children came up with a list of items that are symmetrical. They completed a Mimio lesson and symmetry sheet, where they showed the correct lines of symmetry for letters, shapes, and objects. On Tuesday, the children enjoyed using Mimio Vote to review all the concepts they learned during Unit 7. The children had a great time as our room once again turned into the set of Math Review Mimio Vote! On Wednesday, the children took their Unit 7 Assessment. I will send them home after spring break. I am proud of how well the children did!Penguin Day:
To celebrate the end of our Penguin Unit, the children dressed up like penguins on Wednesday. They looked great in their penguin outfits! We started the morning by reading the story, Tacky the Penguin. While listening to the story, the children created a bubble map of adjectives that described Tacky. We talked about how the adjectives helped the children to understand who Tacky is and how he is different from the other penguins in the story. After, the children used their Tacky adjective map to help them write a retelling of the story. The children had to write a page for the beginning, middle, and end of the book in their own words. When the were finished with their retelling, they illustrated each page.
To celebrate filling the "Warm Fuzzy" jar the children watched, The Adventures of Scamper the Penguin, to end our Penguin Day. They were very excited to learn that Scamper is an Adelie penguin. When the movie was over, the children talked about the true facts included in the movie and what parts of the movie were fantasy.
Happy Birthday
Natalia's birthday is during spring break. We celebrated her birthday on Wednesday. We hope that Natalia has a happy birthday. Happy Birthday, Natalia!
-It was so nice to see all of you at conferences. Thank you for coming in to meet with me!
-Have a wonderful Spring Break! I look forward to hearing all about the children's adventures when they return.
-Be sure to check back in the weekend after we return from spring break for the next blog post!
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