This week we continued learning about penguins. We read many nonfiction books as well as used the website as a resource. The students continued to use Post-It notes to complete their Penguins Journal. The students filled out Post-It notes for things they were wondering and new information. I am very impressed at all of the curious learners in the classroom. In fact, later in the week, we were getting ready to read our last nonfiction book about penguins. When I told the students, they told me they still wanted to learn more. Music to a teacher's ears. We are truly becoming penguin experts in 1-1!
With St. Patrick's Day right around the corner, I took this as an opportunity for the students to write about what makes them lucky. We have been reading a few St. Patrick's Day books. We have talked about how people often say things like, "the luck of the Irish" or that leprechauns are lucky around this time of year. Students brainstormed ideas about what makes them lucky. After talking about our ideas, students wrote a five sentence writing piece with an opening sentence, three things that make them lucky, and a closing sentence. To complete our work, the students decorated a clover to be attached to their writing. The students' writing is proudly on display in our classroom.
Students began Unit 7 in math this week. Lessons this week focused on attribute blocks. Students discovered the many attributes of these pattern blocks. Students noticed that each attribute block has a color, a certain amount of sides, a certain amount of corners, etc. Students played a Mystery Game where they had to describe attributes to a partner. The partner had to recreate the mystery shape. Students also learned the new vocabulary word, polygon. A polygon is a shape with all straight sides that end when lines meet. To practice identifying polygons, students were able to make many different polygons with straws and twist ties. To keep up with our math facts, students also played a "Connect Four Addition" game.
Nate was our Star Student this week. Nate did a great job sharing some new information with us. I never knew that Nate's favorite food is chili! Thanks so much for sharing with us, Nate!
Nate's mom was our Royal Reader this week. She came in and read some wonderful books to the class. We really enjoyed that. Thank you so much Mrs. DeCook!
Ola celebrated a birthday on March 9th. We celebrated by singing to Ola on Monday. I hope you had a great birthday Ola!
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