Art Appreciation
Today, Mrs. Kaddatz, Mrs. Misner, and Mrs. Wascher came in and led the children in their last Art Appreciation activity. The children learned about the painting, “Peaceable Kingdom,” by Edward Hicks. After discussing the painting, the children created their own “Peaceable Kingdom” using stuffed animals they had brought to class. They created two different scenes with their animals. After, the children voted on their favorite painting from the year. Thank you, Mrs. Kaddatz, Mrs. Misner, and Mrs. Wascher. The children enjoyed your visits this year!
Happy Birthday
On Monday, we celebrated Xander’s bithday. Happy Birthday Xander!
Today, we celebrated all of our June and July birthdays. Happy birthday to Gabi, Nate, Nikolas, and Elena. We hope that you all have very happy birthdays in June and July!
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