This week the children were very busy despite our short week! Read all about our learning adventures below.
Curriculum Night
It was nice to see all of you this week at Curriculum Night, thank you for coming out. I hope you enjoyed hearing about all the wonderful adventures that we are going to have this year! The children were very excited to read the notes you had left on their desks. If you missed the presentation I have posted a link on the right side of our web site titled, Curriculum Night Presentation.
This week, we started our first writing unit, Autobiographies. The children learned that an autobiography is a writing about the author. They each have started their own mini autobiography. The children began their book by writing about their favorite pet or animal.
While writing, the children practiced using the writing process that they learned about last week: Think, Draw, Label, and Write. They also had the opportunity to share their writing with a partner to see if they could add any additional details to their illustrations, labels, or writing.
We continued our first everyday math unit this week. The children were introduced to their math tool kit and their math journal. They also played two math games this week: Bunny Hop and the Penny Dice Game.
Social Studies
We worked on our first social studies unit this week on Community Helpers. The children are each creating a nonfiction book titled, Community Helpers. This week, the children learned what makes teachers, police officers, and doctors community helpers. We read a book about each of the community helpers. Then, the children each wrote a fact about what makes that person a community helper in their Community Helper Book.
Thank You!
A special thank you to Mrs. Beane! She visited our classroom to read, Only One You. The children enjoyed listening to the story, thank you for reading it to us! After her visit the children each created a beautiful fish to showcase their interests. Their fish are on display in the hallway outside of our classroom.
-If you have not done so already, please send in a spiral notebook labeled with your child’s name. We will be using these notebooks throughout the year to create an interactive grammar notebook.
-Your child’s first library book is due this upcoming Friday, September 12th. They may return their book to school sooner if they have finished reading it.
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