Hello 1-1 Families!
Enjoy a few highlights from last week!
The children are continuing to learn about poetry during our Reader's Workshop lessons. They have worked with:
-Playing with sound (rhyme, repetition, alliteration, and onomatopoeia)
-Identifying clues to find the big idea (Title, Who?, Where?, When?, Why?)
-Connecting through schema (using my prior knowledge and how I connected to the poem)
-Asking questions to help find the mood of the poem
Guided Reading Groups:
I have now had a chance to meet with all of the children one on one to do another round of running records. I am very impressed with their reading progress! Reassessing allows me to make sure that each child is receiving reading instruction that best fits their instructional reading level. Reading groups will restart this week. When your child brings their green reading bag home, please have them read the book to you. They should also practice their sight word sticker book (if they have one) and share any graphic organizers they completed. Please have your child return their book bag the next day.
In Math, the children have been working on:
-Using the Addition/Subtraction Facts table to find the sums of addition and subtraction facts.
-They were introduced to Name-Collection boxes. They used dominoes, drawings, tally marks, base-10 blocks, and addition/ subtraction facts to show equivalent names for numbers.
-They worked with fact families. The children looked at a domino and identified the three numbers that went with it. Then they wrote two addition and two subtraction facts using the three numbers from their domino. They learned that the addition and subtraction facts make up a fact family.
-The children were introduced to Fact Triangles. Using their Fact Triangles, the children practiced their addition and subtraction facts with a partner. The children also wrote addition and subtraction number models to go along with their Fact Triangles.
Social Studies
Last week, the children learned about U.S. Symbols. Each child had the opportunity to research one U.S. Symbol. They used PebbleGo to research and then wrote two facts about their symbol. After researching, the children drew an illustration of their symbol on their facts sheet. Throughout the week, the children were able to share what they had learned with the class. We complied the slides into a slide show titled, U. S. Symbols.
Today, the children completed the book, America the beautiful. The book allowed the children to revisit all the facts they learned about the different symbols this week.
Band of Steel
On Friday, the children enjoyed a wonderful assembly by the Band of Steel. A very special thank you to the PTA for bringing this experience to Dryden! The children loved listening to the music and clapping along to the different rhythms. Thank you PTA!
Star Students and Royal Readers
Thank you to our past star students and royal readers. It was nice to learn so many new things about you! We also enjoyed hearing so many stories from our past royal readers.
Happy Birthday
We celebrated Evan's birthday last week! Happy Birthday Evan!
-Please remember to send your child to school with their winter gear. The snow promises to continue and the playground and black top will once again be covered with snow. Please send coats, snow pants, boots, hats, and gloves. Thank you!
-We are looking for items for our school Makerspace. If you have any of the following items at home, please send them in! Thanks!
• paper towel, wrapping paper and/or toilet paper rolls
• yarn, ribbon and/or string
• beads and/or buttons
• tools
• newspaper
• aluminum foil, wax paper and/or saran wrap
• various clean contains with lids (ex. yogurt, cottage cheese)
• empty boxes (ex. cereal, pasta, or if they're bigger, flattened please!)
• things that can be taken apart (old or broken electronics or small devices)
• anything else along these lines that you think might fit in a Makerspace!
Happy March!
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